Friday, 14 December 2007

Sleep...or LACK of Sleep

Guilty for not having started much on this blog for Joy. Really haven't got much more energy left everday after spending all evening helping her to fall asleep...sometimes it stretches way past midnight. Joy is so different and there's so much in this whole new parenting experience I need to document...breastfeeding, EC, etc... but I'm just too shack. Tonight...we finally all fell asleep, but I woke in the middle of the night with a blocked nose and have to wait for it to clear before I can sleep again (this happens to me sometimes).

Poor jie jie has not been having enough sleep because she's not used to falling asleep without mommy hugging and nursing to sleep. Papa hasn't had enough sleep too. He has to keep jie jie company when mommy's stuck to Joy and try to complete his work too, before the holidays are over.

This 'problem' with falling asleep only happens at night. Once she's deep asleep, she practically sleeps through the night. She'd stir once or twice to be fed, but never really wakes unless she's changed or needed a big poop (and I had to put her on the potty). I try to count my blessings. We've been blessed enough that she's been sleeping through the night from the third night after she was born, and she sleeps much more than Faith did. Faith used to sleep only for 10-20 min after each feed (and she fed 2 hourly while Joy feeds 3 hourly)!

This seem to have happened only this week. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it is just another phase of growth spurt which will pass soon.

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