Monday, 9 February 2009

Fire Fighter Joy

I was frying sausages this morning and oil was splattering from the pan; so I told Joy, ”燒燒。“ and asked her to leave the kitchen. She whined and grumbled as usual as she left the kitchen, but returned shortly. Guess what she came back with? She had a red 'helmet'! It's actually the potty bowl from their potty chair. *LOL* She grinned to me and said, "Fire, fire" (that's her version of 'fire fighter') and pointed up at the stove! Hahahahahaha...

This baby is a real comedian from birth! We really don't know where many of her funny expressions and funny ideas come from! How special God has made each one of us. :)

Monday, 2 February 2009

MY Orange Juice

First time she gets to hold her own cup of orange juice we got from MacDonald's delivery -- she's thrilled!!!








Did she make a mess? Of course she did! Haha...what does it matter. :)