Sunday, 7 September 2008

Growth Spurts

Joy seems to be going through some growth spurts over the last week; especially last couple of days -- probably after the day she started walking!

When we were at the playground this morning, she started kicking and struggling in my arms when Faith ran towards the playground and said something. Took me a few seconds to realize she said 'down, down'! I signed and taught her that yesterday! Wow, so fast! She said several more words, mimicking me clearly, after I've said some words. My, am I delighted! What wondorous children God has given me. :)

When we were at home in the afternoon, I heard Faith said, '妹妹,不可以!' So, I walked out of the room to see what they were doing in the living room -- Joy had climbed onto the sofa! The only problem was -- she was playing with something and sat facing the back of the sofa! Aiyo!!! I thought aloud to KH, 'And we were feeling bad not sending this one to Gymboree!' *LOL*

At bedtime, after we told Faith to brush her teeth, and KH tailed the 'escaping' Faith into the bedroom, I closed the bathroom door and intended to join them in the room. Joy started to fuss and seemed to be protesting about me closing the bathroom door! I picked her up and asked her, 'Why are you upset? You want to go inside (the bathroom)?' She paused for a quick thoughtful second and said, '牙!' At the same time, stuffed her pointer finger into her mouth and signed 'brush teeth' to me! OMG!!! *LOL* I laughed and asked if that what she wants to confirm my guess, she smiled so brightly. :) She opened her mouth expectantly as soon as she saw me reach for the finger brush meant for her. Haha...she loves toothbrushing and the squeech squeech sound it makes.

Meanwhile, though she's bubbly most of the time, we could tell that teething is still bothering her. More of her teeth are visible today. Now she has 5 that are clearly visible; at least 3 more are trying to cut through. Maybe even teeth further back. Hmmm...maybe God is preparing us for our move to Shanghai, so we both have one less stress while we settle down in the new place.

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Eat until mabok already?

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Munching carrot and lounging on mommy.

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Watching Hi-5 during dinner.

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Who's that 'aiming' at us?

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